Friday, March 2, 2012

Alabama storms....again.

Praying that our neighbors in Athens and Madison recover from the damage and injuries suffered today in the midst of yet another wave of tornados.  We had just a few reports of property damage in the Shoals Area but nothing compared to our neighbors just east of us.  The forecasters say we have one more small wave of storms on it's way and then we should be all clear.

Seems rather sad that the storms took the same path as some of the storms of April 27, 2011.  We heard that a few of the homes that have just been rebuilt after being destroyed in last year's storms received major damage again today.  I know those folks hearts have to be shattered.  My thoughts and prayers will be with all of those affected.

On a good note, many elementary children celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday today.  I'm sure there were giggles and laughter heard throughout many classrooms across the country.  Wouldn't it be great if we could all have green eggs and ham a little more often? Or wear a big hat and make silly rhymes?  Each of us are still kids at heart.  Our bodies get old but our emotions don't.  Take time to do something fun today or this weekend.  Spend time with a child on their level.  It will definitely brighten your day!

Hope you have a great weekend!!  
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 
 Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!
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